Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion Foundress of the Apostolic Carmel (1823-1906)
Mother Veronica, nee sophie leeves, aws born in Constantinople on October 1st 1823 in a pious, cultured, English, Anglican family. She was gifted with singular talents of mind and heart which were nurtured by sound education and wide experience. She entered the congregation of the sister’s of St.Joseph of the Apparition in 1851. Mother Veronica was ardent and full of zeal to work for the mission in India. She founded the Apostolic Carmel at Bayonne, France in 1868 after facing many hardships in her relentless search for God’s will, Her life of loving surrender to God in challenging circumstances culminated in her holy death in 1906. Mother Veronica’s heroic obedience to the will of God, her life of profound faith and prayer, her whole hearted commitment to the cross, her outstanding humility and zeal for the missions remain an inspiration to all those who, follow the footsteps of Christ, seek to offer their lives in loving service of humanity specially the less privileged.