Welcome To LSNTTI, Ottapalam
Along with the academic excellence a special focus is given to instill the value of faith in god, respect for human dignity, commitment to justice, sincerity in action , willingness to forgive and service to all. The sisters of the Apostolic Carmel are members of a Carmelite religious institute, dedicated to educate girls. It provides a catholic value based education, with special attention given to the disadvantaged section of society through various level of education: – Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Higher secondary, Technical and special education for differently gifted children. Sri Chettur Sankaran Nair, in memory of his wife, laid the foundation for a girl’s school at Ottapalam. He fulfilled his dreams by opening L.S.N School, which was a necessity of Ottapalam. In these days the Malabar District Educational Board was in charge to see the functioning of the Schools in Malabar area. They found it difficult to run all the schools in Malabar Area and they decided to close L.S.N. School in the year 1938. As per the request of friends and well-wishers, and the interest shown by the District Educational Board of Malabar. The management of Apostolic Carmel Sisters took up the School and reopened it with 33 Girls in 1938 June 22. Miss. D. Souza, who was ever on the watch to help the Apostolic Carmel, came with the proposal to open a teacher training institution in Malabar as she was extremely pleased with the work done at St Ann’s in Mangalore. We have 4452 Books in our Library Read more